Well Friday night was my transition from a basher to a racer. (I'll still bash my HPI Baja though). I had been a basher for a very long time and had always wanted to start racing but..... you know how it goes life holds you back.
But when I first saw the 1/10
th scale CORR RC trucks come onto the market. I knew straight away it was time to pull finger and do it!

What can I say? It was fully sick fun. Awesome track, awesome people and I can't wait till Friday night! So how did it go...

Firstly the CORR truck class at my club is huge. It had to be broken into 2 mains. I pretty sure there were about 18 CORR trucks in total! Not including the three that raced in the novice class. One of which was me.

The format consisted of 3 5min qualifiers and then 5min final. I came 6th in the first qualifier, 2nd in the 2nd qualifier and 6th in the third qualifier ( this was due to radio interference.....seriously,it's not a excuse:) My grid position for the final was 5th.

Guess what I came? 3rd!!!! I was on the podium. I was really happy with that. Considering the novice class consisted of buggys and truggys that have more power and a lot more traction. I never used more than half throttle. The track was really hard packed making the RC truck a real handful to drive. They are a lot harder to control than any other class by far. What made my night though, was the club president approached me and said next Friday night I'm with the big boys no more novice class for me!!! ( did someone say the next Adam Drake :)

So what did I learn. Firstly bring mosquito spray and get descent tires for better traction. I have just finished putting in a order for Pro lines Bow ties, a 10.5 brushless system, pinion and spur gears and spare set of A-arms. Then a 2.4GHz radio system so I won't be able to make excuses. Overall a great night and no regrets.

Lesson for the day - stop delaying, pull your finger out and get dirty!


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